Advanced Stop The Bleed Kit

Advanced Stop The Bleed Kit

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Our Advanced Stop the Bleed Kits contain the equipment needed to effectively treat a range of serious injuries. Each kit is in a durable nylon pouch with twin zippers for rapid and easy access. Each kit contains an X8T-E2G tourniquet, study proven to be the fastest, easiest and most secure of all tourniquets on the market.  Additional supplies for bleeding injuries include QuikClot Combat Gauze LE is a soft, white, nonwoven, hydrophilic gauze permeated with kaolin, an inorganic mineral that is both safe and effective in accelerating the body’s natural clotting process. QuikClot does not use animal or human proteins, and does not cause exothermic reactions. 

For Fox Chest Seal is included for penetrating chest trauma.


1 Nylon bag with double zippers

1 X8T-E2G Tourniquet

1 Combat Gauze Z-Fold

1 Chest Seal

1 Compression Dressing 4"

1 CPR Mask

1 pair Shears 7.5"

1 pair of Gloves

1 Roll Surgical Tape 2"

1 Emergency Blanket

1 Instruction Sheet

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